I'm [chompgore]. Welcome to my paradise. I wanted to make a space that only could
exist online. I'm currently going insane after moving across the country. Please talk to me!
Stay around!

11_13_24 WEDNESDAY
⭄ Finally uploaded some sort of an about page.. Its so barebones but its there! Hoping to get it more filled up soon.
⭄ I also feel like i should mention the giant POOL ROOMS graphic will lead to a page on the subject...someday.
I feel really strongly on them and brutalist architecture as well so thats definitely in the works.

10_20_24 SUNDAY
⭄ Finally got another page of the site up. Its not nearly complete obviously but its supposed to be
a literal stream of conciousness anyways. Aligning the images correctly took foreverrr. Also I couldnt
find the source for the Shin image whoopsi but all other images will be properly sourced and referenced
okay byeeeeeee
⭄ OH YEAH also Im going to see Transformers One so I can see if that one guy on twitter is actually speaking
the truth or what lmao.